Megan Wright-Jones Cofounder/Artistic Director 

Email Megan @

As co-founder and artistic director of PYTMI, Megan brings professional experience, and expertise to the company as a well-rounded actor, director and teaching artist, recently earning her second Master’s Degree in Teaching Artistry. Wright flows easily from classic- to contemporary- to musical-theatre, from actress to director on stage and in film. She enjoys teaching students of every age and skill, demonstrating the power of performing arts in developing confidence, general learning improvement, language skills and joy! Megan is also mom to Adler (age 10), Idris (8) and Emery (1 year). 

Brice O'Neal

Tech Troupe Director

Email Brice @

Brice brings a lifetime of theatre experience to the table both on stage and backstage. Serving as an Actor, Techie, Director, Writer, Producer, Stage Manager and Technical Director, what he loves most is teaching theatre arts to youth. 

He retired from Ann Arbor Community High School and Community Ensemble Theatre, where he served 10 years as Tech Director and theater educator. 

Brice also worked with Ann Arbor civic theatre developing programs and camps for youth, including writing , directing junior shows, and the very successful Youth Tech Troupe and summer camps.  He  has over 40 years of experience leading camps!  

Brice is a former youth minister with the Episcopal church.  Brice’s partner in life's adventure is his wife Deb. She is a pediatric intensive care nurse and nurse educator. Together they have raised two great Daughters: Britney & Briana.

Trevor Miner 

Music Director

Trevor Miner is a music educator, composer/arranger, and vocalist hailing from Ann Arbor, MI. He attended Skyline High school, where he was active in both the choral and theatre departments; having participated in multiple productions and being inducted into the International Thespian Society. Trevor went on to study at Eastern Michigan University, where he earned his Bachelors in Vocal Music Education. An avid fan of contemporary a cappella, Trevor founded Summit Street A Cappella, EMU’s premier TTBB a cappella group. Trevor’s recent musical ventures include directing the Huron Players’ production of Chicago: Teen Edition and touring Scotland with the Huron High School choirs. 

Sophia Cannella

Teaching Artist

Sophia Cannella (they/she) is a teaching artist for Professional Youth Theatre of Michigan, and choreographs and music directs productions with the company. They are an actor, singer, dancer, director, dramaturg, producer, production manager, and educator with over 12 years experience in the industry, and over 6 years of experience in teaching. Sophia has a BFA in Musical Theatre Performance from Oakland University with concentrations in directing and on-camera acting. They have graced the stages and backstages of theaters in the Metro-Detroit area and beyond, including performances at the Apollo Theatre, Carnegie Hall, and for the National Endowment of the Arts. From the beginning of their acting career at Mosaic Youth Theatre of Detroit to now, Sophia has created dynamic theatre in many roles. Outside of PYTMI, Sophia is working towards their MFA in Theatre, Concentration in Theatre Management at Wayne State University, and works as a Graduate Research Assistant in the Office of Promotions & Outreach at the Maggie Allesee Department of Theatre and Dance at Wayne State University.

Drue Gray

Cofounder/ Exec. Director Email Drue @

Drue is Co-founder, Producer, and Executive Director for PYTMI. Drue is also the full time Auditoriums Technical Manager at Huron High School, in Ann Arbor.  Drue and his wife, Heather, have three sons, Elliot (14 y.o.), Oliver (11), and Linus (9).

Contact Us:

Phone: 734-660-2966